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Success Story: Electric Charging Services

Launching an international Energy and Electric Charging Business Model with Nitrobox

The Customer

A leading automotive company offering a smart energy and charging solution, that provides drivers and fleet managers of electric vehicles with a seamless and holistic charging and energy experience.

The new business model includes four brands, that operate in 30 countries and support 24 languages.

To realize such a complex electric, data-driven ecosystem, the company saw the need for an intelligent, scalable billing solution, that could automate and manage this new service offering on an international scale and fit perfectly into the existing IT infrastructure.

photo of electric charging of a car

The Challenge

When planning the new electrical charging business, the customer realized quickly, that the existing ERP system did not provide the flexibility and abilities needed for such a fast-paced and international environment.

The new billing solution had to meet the following criteria:

The complex tariff model includes:

Note on the graphic: All prices are exemplary values.

The Requirements

A potential new billing solution needed to be able to manage the entire service, establish order management processes for accounting and taxes, and introduce billing automation and payment management in a multi-brand scenario:

The Solution

While researching the market for suitable monetization solutions and comparing different approaches, it became clear very quickly that Nitrobox not only best met the customer’s criteria, but also enabled rapid implementation and roll-out.

Supported by a strong team of Nitrobox solution architects and implementation partners selected by the customer, the business-specific configuration was set up and the customer was ready to launch the service within a few weeks.

The Nitrobox Billing and Monetization platform was set into action:

The Benefits

As an agile and dynamic billing and monetization platform, Nitrobox supports the customer’s business model from order to cash, adapting and evolving with him. The highly user-friendly Nitrobox Web Portal acts as an intelligent control center.

The customer can not only view all orders, contracts, invoices, and bookings in real-time, but also configure new plans and business units with a few clicks, launch and test new digital services within minutes or create reports.


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